My Vision

My vision is to help fellow professionals, business owners and families sleep better knowing they have made informed decisions to help build and protect their personal and business assets and have made those decisions reality.

"Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates...

You never know what you are going to get!" ("Forrest Gump").   My job is to help build and protect your family or business in case the chocolate you bite is sweet or bitter.

For over 40 years I have lived in beautiful Santa Barbara, CA.  I assist others to get a better grasp on the complex and confusing world of insurance and wealth strategies.  I help ensure that your decisions are acted on and that we continue to keep your financial and insurance strategies up-to-date.  Be sure to call us today for your insurance needs.

As a New York Life Insurance Company agent, and a Registered Representative of NYLIFE Securities LLC, of the Central Coast General Office, I am a trained professional and can be your financial ally.   I offer insurance solutions, including health*, disability*, long term care insurance and life insurance in Santa Barbara, and a variety of wealth creation solutions.  I believe successful retirement planning is asset protection.  With a long life comes long term strategies.  We can create a policy to fit your family's needs and goals.  

One of the greatest threats to your retirement plan may be living a long life.  How long do you think you will live?  Right now is a great time to make a long term strategyPlanning to live means making a retirement plan.  How can you make sure you'll have options when it comes to long term strategies?  Think about the impact to those around you.  I help make it easy on you--and your family.  Building your insurance plan: we're here to help.

As one of the area's insurance professionals in Santa Barbara, I help you make informed decisions to help build and protect your personal and business assets.

 If you are looking for health insurance services in Santa Barbara, you have multiple options.  I have access to Blue Shield of Santa Barbara.  Additionally, I have access to Blue Cross, HealthNet, Aetna, and others. I focus in helping you find tailored health insurance solutions*.

Please use my Web site as a resource, and do not hesitate to contact me for additional information or to schedule a meeting. Thank you for your interest.  Call today at 805-563-1000 or email

 Keep Smiling!
Del Hegland, Agent
New York Life Insurance Company.

*Products available through one or more carriers not affiliated with New York Life, dependent on carrier authorization and product availability in your state or locality.